

Marabuntas or Army Ants, when presented with the challenge of reaching an inaccessible location or food source, link their bodies together to create a bridge to their desired location. When their ecosystem floods, they link together to form rafts, able to float and sustain the colony for weeks on end. By the year 2050 the world will be faced with the problems of sea level rise as well as demand for housing. Currently by 2050 there is a projected 4 feet of sea level rise, accompanied with a demand of almost double the current amount of housing. These problems paired together leave us with even less land than we had before and leave many buildings inside the floodplains inaccessible. The Prototype “Marabunta” looks to link nodes inside of floodplains that are no longer accessible by land, as well as act as a place of shelter.

Zoomed out size map-01.jpg
pier k diagram 1-01.jpg
pier k diagram 3-01.jpg
Site Plan 1.5 water rise-01.jpg
Site plan Ant paths water 2-01.jpg
pier k diagram 4-01.jpg
pier k diagram 6-01.jpg
pier k diagram 8-01.jpg
pier k diagram 10-01.jpg
pier k diagram 2-01.jpg
Site Plan 1 water rise-01.jpg
Site plan Ant paths water-01.jpg
pier k diagram 7-01.jpg
pier k diagram 7-01.jpg
pier k diagram 9-01.jpg
pier k diagram 11-01.jpg
Render 02 final.png
Render 01 final.png
Final Render 1.png

Capstone: BNY Site Analysis


Unitarian Universalist Campus